Track Sticker SVG
This Track sticker SVG is perfect for baby onesies, shirts, printable, stickers, gifts, decals, mugs,
shirts, and other craft and merchandise materials.
All of the designs in our shop are easy to work with your cutting machine software,
easy to weed, and which colors can be easily edited for cutting or printing.
Available in SVG, EPS, DXF, JPEG and PNG format, this is all archived on a ZIP file.
This file is guaranteed to work with any of the softwares below:
– Silhouette Studio (any version)
– Cricut Design Space
– Sure Cuts A Lot (any version)
– Brother’s ScanNCut Canvas
– Adobe Illustrator
– CorelDraw
– InkScape
– Make the Cut!
Extract the Zip file to acce ss all the files
*For MAC Users – Use Archive Utility
Select your file ->Right click -> Open with -> Archive utility
*For Windows Users – Use any Zip program – Winrar/Winzip/7zip etc.
*Right click zip file, select “extract all…” and select destination folder)